Digital Marketing Services
Our complete list of local business marketing services.
Small Business Digital Marketing Services
We’re Pro Local, and we help local businesses and franchises in India succeed online. We provide digital marketing services, including local search marketing, review marketing & reputation management, and paid advertising.
Our dedicated strategists will work with you every step of the way to make sure your business goals are met. Plus, we provide complete access to your analytics so that you can see exactly how well everything is working for you!
Our Approach to Digital Marketing
Local Search
Give your company an edge by being found when consumers are searching online for local businesses like yours in their area.
Review Marketing
Maintain & increase your business online reputation by managing your good & bad reviews online.
Paid Advertising
Increase your business revenue with cost-effective, quality ads that target the right people at the right time.
Be Found on the Online Map
Pro Local works directly with small businesses and franchisees in India on a local level to help them improve and grow their online presence. We help them organize their tactics into a local search marketing strategic plan that meets their needs. Our local search marketing plan helps your business rank when people are looking for products or services like yours.
We’ve worked with over 600 businesses in several industries, including salons, restaurants, retail stores, car rentals, contractors, home service professionals, auto dealerships, and many more.
Advertise to Reach Customers
Create a strong online presence for your business with paid advertising! When done correctly, it can boost brand awareness and generate online conversions and leads across social media, search engines, and on various devices.
Our team of experts can develop a paid advertising campaign for your business within your budget, create & build the ideal ads to meet your business goals.
Establish Your Brand’s Online Reputation
We help businesses manage their online reputation and respond to reviews so that they can focus on their business. The right review management system combined with proactive outreach lets you turn bad experiences into positive ones, or at least cut them down to a manageable level.
Pro Local’s team of experts can help you set up a review management system to monitor all your online reviews from across the web, helping you manage them efficiently and effectively. This service helps protect your reputation from unfounded negative reviews, as well as builds brand awareness with positive ones.
How We Work
Pro Local’s process starts with a conversation. We’ll work alongside your team members to discover the current state of your online marketing and share our recommendations based on our expertise and experience, as well as your own unique business goals. Once we come up with a plan, we’ll put everything into action.
We’re committed to helping your business get more customers and help you succeed. Our strategies are designed around what makes sense for your business, not just what works best in our system or on paper. To do this, we’ll work closely with you as a trusted partner throughout the entire process.
Our team has years of experience helping local businesses succeed online. We start by listening and learning about your goals and challenges, then move forward with a customized digital marketing plan that will help you meet those goals.
If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help your business succeed online, give us a call today to get started!